15 éves a Magyar Soros Alapítvány Celebrating 15 years of the
Soros Foundation Hungary



Higher Education Day



June 25., 1999

Opening Ceremony and brief introduction to the day's events
Announcement of the
epigram-writing competition

University and college Special Colleges' Morning

Introductory talk on the role of the Soros Foundation in setting up the special colleges and their past, present and future.

Debate on social sensitivity - Part I.

Chaired by Dr. Boldizsár Nagy, international lawyer
Participants: Members of university and college special colleges supported by the Soros Foundation in Budapest and elsewhere .

Intellectual customs inspection

5-minute reminiscences by Soros Foundation alumni - Part I

Exhibition of items brought home by the Los Gringos Group from their collection tour of Peru, musical instrument exhibition, and film show accompanied by live performance.

Led by: Zoltán Kurdi
Los Gringos Group, led by Zoltán Kurdi, studied and collected the life, customs and music of the native people of the Andes. The purposes of the expeditions was to record the unique sounds of traditional Andean music, and to present and popularise it by means of concerts and recordings. The exhibition attempts to give a taste of the every day life of the Indians by means of photographs and objects from three countries: Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

Photographs and video by Ágnes Galla, former student on scholarship to Bologna.

Chamber music performance by the Akadémia String Quartet
Formed in the Ferenc Liszt College of Music in 1994, Rado Ferenc Department.
Leader: Béla Bánfalvi

Mozart: G-major string quartet, 1st movement
Mendelssohn: E-major quartet, 1st movement.
Bartók: 1st string quartet, 3rd movement.

Battuta small band acoustic chamber jazz concert

The group's music is dominated by Endre Juhász compositions. It covers a wide range, an exciting synthesis of traditional European cultural elements with themes from various ethnic musics.
Members: Sámuel Grillusz, bass guitar, Gergely Ittzés, flute, Endre Juhász, oboe, cor anglais, Krisztián Magi, piano, Máté Pálhegyi, flute.

The medieval universities and the Soros Foundation

Meeting of alumni from former students on scholarships to Oxford, Leiden and Bologna, with talks and exhibition (in Hungarian and English)

Fashion show

Programme compiled by: Kata Lázár, costume designer, former scholarship student in the Postgraduate scholarship for foreign artistic training programme.


with prominent personalities, curators and award-winners who have formed the history and spirit of the Soros Foundation, talking about the Foundation's 15-year history, its place in intellectual life and its forming role in Hungarian society.
Chair: Miklós Györffy

Opening music: Tomkins Vocal Group

Formed in 1978. The group nurtures Hungarian music, but sings everything from renaissance to contemporary works that is possible by such a small group.
Programme: Anglo-Italian renaissance dance songs, Brahms romantic song waltzes, Evergreen songs

Scottish Country Dancing

Music by the M.É.Z group, led by György Hajdu Martin, former scholarship student to Oxford.

All-day programmes: Special Colleges exhibition

The performers, speakers and exhibiting artists in each item of the programme have all received from the Foundation institutional grants, individual scholarships or scholarship-support for their activities.